Miss America Madison Marsh Stops By To Visit

2024 Miss America Madison Marsh visiting the iHeartMedia studios in her home town of Fort Smith, AR. (Pictured left to right: Bo Dalton, Madison Marsh, Heidi Marsh)

Photo: Mike Burgess, iHeartMedia

Reigning Miss America Madison Marsh came to her home state of Arkansas and stopped in for a visit! During her time at the studios, we had the chance to talk about her days at Southside High School in Fort Smith where she graduated high school, joining the Air Force Academy after that, and what it's been like as Miss America!

We talked quite a bit about the Whitney Marsh Foundation (which Madison started) to help raise awareness and to help those in the battle against pancreatic cancer. And, of course, we had the chance to talk about Whitney's Race and how that's going for 2024. Talk about someone with a lot going on!!!

If you'd like to find out more about the Whitney Marsh Foundation or about Whitney's Race (that's coming up on November 9th in Fort Smith, AR) you can visit https://whitneysrace.org/ for all the details.

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