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> May 2017
Are you addicted to your phone? Here's a checklist to determine if you are
A guy in Oklahoma picked his son up from school wearing a speedo. The viral video is here to prove it
Race car driver wins the pole for this weekend's Indy 500....then gets robbed at Taco Bell
I just missed out on getting in the Oklahoma Hall Of Fame again this year. Here is who made it in
Top baby names for boys and girls in Arkansas has been released.
D Mac is suing his former financial advisor
One of the biggest stars in pop music has scheduled a tour stop in Little Rock
Two young boys discover body of a man in the woods in Oklahoma
Watch the Arkansas State Police live press conference about shootings in Yell County
A bunch of TV shows are getting the axe. Is your fave on the list?
Would you pee in a cup if the flight attendant told you to?
Man found dead in the trunk of his car on Saturday
Woman falls from very popular Oklahoma spot. She is recovering
Extreme cuteness alert! Oklahoma Game Warden rescue baby owl
A Hot Springs cop.....and a 9 year old girl? What is wrong with our society
Dunkin' Donuts employee in Little Rock jumps into a customers car to avoid being shot during robbery
Serious GMail scam going on. PLEASE SHARE
How cool. Former Spiro resident is on reality show starting tomorrow night
Just my opinion...but I think this is a good law