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> March 2018
Are Oklahoma teachers selfish for walking out on Monday?
My pal Lucas the Spider is back!
1 Million Meals Food Drive
President Trump calls Roseanne
NRA gets spike in donations following Florida school shooting
Tonight is going to bring a fun part of my life back full circle
Look what is happening in downtown OKC. Wow!
Everybody has a silly phobia....these guys are mine
Beloved Sister Jean gets emotional
BREAKING! Self driving Uber car kills a pedestrian today
Spring starts tomorrow. How does it look around the world?
Two more Okies on American Idol tonight on 40/29
Cool ways to declutter your phone. PLEASE SHARE
These towns in our area have the highest car insurance rates
So happy for Rissa from Apache, Oklahoma. She's going to Hollywood!
I am so hooked on Lucas The Spider videos
Police need your help to solve a fatal hit and run
YES! A new Grinch movie this year
Think finding true love is the most important thing? Think again
BREAKING! Child's body found after Amber Alert in Okla last night
Coke adding a new alcoholic drink in Japan
For the dog's sake, let keep this video going. PLEASE PLEASE SHARE
Could teachers in Oklahoma walkout before the school year ends?
Science has confirmed it. Women love beards
2018 Paddle Battle For St. Jude
Michael Jackson's message from the grave