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> July 2018
Police help kid who's money was stole from his lemonade stand
Guy strips naked in Planet Fitness. Guess why?
Total strangers pays for school supplies for Oklahoma teacher
Want to buy an iconic TV home? Now you can
Video of the Ride The Ducks boat just before in capsized. WARNING! Graphic
15 year old in Okla. found almost starving. Four of his relatives arrested
Three people on the run after home invasion in Oklahoma. PLEASE SHARE
Final trailer out for Christopher Robin
Is this statue really crying?
VA nursing homes are doing really poor jobs
Not really sure why people keep going to Mexico.
Less than two months till The Gathering Place opens
Imagine getting a divorce to pay your child's healthcare costs
Cuteness overload. Check out the new baby gorilla at the OKC Zoo
I'll admit...I cried and cheered. USA, USA, USA
Eastern OK school district allowing it's staff to be armed. PLEASE SHARE
Share this with someone who needs to smile
Mr. Rogers' widow speaks out about the new documentary
Ron White at Downstream Casino
Ever wonder if your BFF is just that? Here are some things to check out
Will Smith gets a cool mural and gets very emotional