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> April 2017
BREAKING! Uncle of missing kids in Mena found dead after mother found dead yesterday
Nothing like a father's love...even for a child he will never get to know
The latest on the shooting of the Booneville Police Chief
Video of 4 year old falling out of the back of a church bus in Harrison
Tennessee teacher and student who had been on the run are found in California
Giant iceberg floats near a town in Newfoundland. Great video
Six JC Penney stores in Arkansas and Oklahoma will now close on July 31st instead of in June.. Here is the list
BREAKING! An Oklahoma Sheriff's Deputy is shot and the suspect is on the run. PLEASE SHARE this picture and info
These are the 50 safest cities on Oklahoma. Did your city make it?
How did the Starbucks in Japan get these before us
Hard to believe it's been three years already since the beheading in Moore. It's back in the news
Oklahoma is one step closer to liquor sales on Sunday
Are you "normal"? Here is a quick video to find out
Thought I knew a lot about social media. Didn't know about these "fake" accounts kids create to hide stuff from us
How do you sell "1" movie ticket?
Amazing how "co-sleeping" has caused such an uproar in Oklahoma